Our story begins with a series of environmental events that unfold on planet Earth, beginning in a small tribal village near the Amazon River in Brazil. A health crisis in the village results in researcher Julian Marco being summoned from the International Disease Control Headquarters to the village concern, to find that the crisis could be of epidemic proportions and some unknown origin. The result in the village population is symptoms of dehydration, coma, and death. Samples collected at the site are forwarded to the Harvard Department of Environmental Studies. Dr. Audrey Thompson is the department head and the foremost expert on ecological crises and water resource analysis.

While this data is being analyzed, additional events throughout the world begin to surface. In France, a broadcaster relays the news that hospitals have been overwhelmed with patients suffering from an unknown illness. We then travel to the Himalayas and observe a Tibetan community experiencing a similar phenomenon.  Occurrences of the same are surfacing throughout the U.S. and internationally. The President of the U.S. has requested a meeting, with departments of the U.S. government that can dispatch support to the population as a result of the outbreak. The President summons Dr. Thompson, and a group of scientists to assist at the Johnson Space Station with their mission to find a solution. After emergency meetings, the President addresses the nation. 

Scientists determine from research that the Earth has experienced an environmental catastrophe triggered by both environmental changes and an unknown microbe entering our atmosphere. The result is a mutation in Earth’s water supply, threatening the existence of life on the planet. Through team research, the solution to the crisis may have been found on the planet Mars. The U.S., Great Britain, Russia, and China have assembled astronauts on the Ceres 4 a Space Station that has traveled to the regions of space surrounding Mars as part of a joint mission. However, they are now directed to change the mission to an emergency landing on Mars and retrieve a supermolecule in the hope to restore Earth's water supply and everting environmental catastrophe and the possibility of extinction. The mission is time-sensitive, dangerous and represents Earth’s final chance to resolve its crisis. The astronauts must succeed in the first manned landing on Mars and encounter many life-threatening challenges.

During the voyage, a saboteur is discovered. He is delusional and a religious zealot, covering up his intention to sabotage the mission, placing Earth's survival at risk. The mission turns into a voyage of life and death, between man, his mind, and outer space. Once the crew arrives on Mars the astronauts investigate the area identified as the Red Shadow Region the location on Mars and the probable solution to Earth’s survival. In the final moments of the astronaut's journey, an encounter with an extraterrestrial reveals the answers to their immediate crisis and yet warns of future catastrophes that may be averted if the inhabitants of Earth change their intentions.  The astronauts relay the result of their journey and the solution to Earth’s crisis, saving our planet, and return with a greater message for the citizens of the world. 

©2020 Michael Koontz,, 201-233-4700 

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